Why Does Vietnam Repeatedly Try To Provoke China

Why does Vietnam repeatedly try to provoke China on the recent dispute over South China Sea? With the escalation of the conflict, Chinese scholars are paying increasingly attention on this issue.

China’s leading scholar of international studies, Yan Xuetong, said through the media on June 20 that “concluding that China will not use force” gives Vietnam courage to rudely aggravate and complicate the South China Sea issue. He supposes that Vietnam’s main purpose is to unite those claiming countries around the South China Sea to withstand China by performing military exercise. If China adopted the policy of appeasement, other claiming countries will probably follow the example. If China punishes Vietnam, they may believe that China bully the weak. In Vietnamese opinion, either result will be in its favor, which made it determine to hold the exercise. Yan said that since ancient times China is unwilling to interfere in neighboring countries’ domestic affairs and prefers settling disputes through appeasement policy and buying peace, which gives these tiny greedy countries too many benefits. He believes that China must perform friendly and tough at the same time and proceed to start the negotiation on sovereignty dispute over South China Sea as soon as possible. Indefinitely shelving the dispute does no good to China.

French Le Nouvel Observateur pointed that, China has not rushed to retort as before but promises not to take the initiative to resort to force while quietly expanding ocean surveillance power. In contrast, trapped by an increasing domestic dependence on oil, Vietnam has no choice but put in warlike posture in the South China Sea.


There have been a few small-scale military conflicts at sea between China and Vietnam in the past. And now, some international analysts believe that the possibility of a repeat of this situation is increasing. National Public Radio quoted Vietnamese experts’ saying that China and Vietnam have been at “the most dangerous moment since the two sides decided to start friendly relations in 1991”. Meanwhile in China, voices on the need to “use force to promote peace” from all kinds of media have also been enhanced.

However, Chinese scholars are relatively calm. Four in five Chinese scholars in a Global Times interview on June 20, consider forcing to resolve the South China Sea disputes as “unwise”.

Another scholar Sun Xiaoying, a researcher at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies of Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences, believes that “there might be a war” to Vietnam, but through neither diplomatic nor military means is the best approach to resolve the disputes, because China has yet to make adequate preparations.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/news-society-articles/world-news-articles/why-does-vietnam-repeatedly-try-provoke-china-512685.html

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