Pesky Termites Need Expert Intervention To Keep Them At Bay

By Chuck Stewart

For those people who have had their houses or buildings invaded by things like termites, the only way out is to find an exterminator to come in to sort out the problem. There are many over the counter remedies for sure, but none of them deal with the problem in a way that a professional could. That is, by trying to eliminate the nest or colony. In fact, sprays and powders merely move these pests on to the next room so they may well spread the problem faster than if they were left alone.

The experts will have access to all kinds of chemicals which these critters do not like. Although some of the methods used to lay down these chemicals can be a little disruptive at times, it does work very fast once it is done. Methods for controlling these pests include digging trenches all round the home to make one complete circle. These have to be dug deep since these creatures tend to burrow low in the ground when they are looking for a food source. The food source is any kind of wood since they want to eat the cellulose contained therein.


If someone has a very beautiful garden, they may well be shocked that this kind of thing needs to be done. But weighing up the consequences of leaving these pests to do their dirty work will inevitably cause so much damage that expensive repairs will have to be done on the home. In fact, if they get to the roof beams in a house, the place could prove to be downright dangerous to live in. Once the trenches are dug out, the experts will pour in some rather toxic chemicals to make a barrier that the pests will not cross. The trenches are then filled back in and the pests should look elsewhere for sustenance.

Many people do not like the idea of having chemicals poured into the earth either but these will break down over time. This is good for the environment but it does mean that the treatment will have to be repeated at some stage in the future. There is another method of controlling these pests and it is a more permanent feature. It consists of sinking tube like structures into the ground at regular intervals around the building to form a circle. These are in fact feeding points for the pests to find food in. Of course, this is poisoned bait and will eventually be carried back to the colony. The general idea is that the queen will get some and will die off, and with her passing the colony will die off too.

Since these tubes are unobtrusive, they can stay in situ permanently, and they are monitored every so often to see if anything is eating the bait. Much like rodent control, wherever an infestation is spotted, it is these tubes that will be concentrated upon. This may be more expensive than the other method, but it is a permanent solution to a prevailing problem.

About the Author: Chuck R. Stewart is a writer who frequently writes on the topic of using an


to fix termite problems. He often writes about the subject of




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