News briefs:July 4, 2006

The time is 18:00 (UTC) on July 4th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.


  • 1 Headlines
    • 1.1 Heavy rains lash Mumbai, many parts of the city flooded
    • 1.2 Bird Flu kills 40th Indonesian
    • 1.3 Chinese media face fines for disaster reporting
    • 1.4 NASA to launch Discovery despite crack in insulation foam
    • 1.5 NSW fraud squad recognised in Singapore
    • 1.6 New Zealand diplomats: Fiat using Maori haka in television ad is insensitive
    • 1.7 Speeches of Canada’s PM Stephen Harper rank as top-downloaded podcasts
    • 1.8 Report into whether Australian Big Brother breached online content laws to be handed down today
  • 2 Closing statements


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