Dark Sunsation A Safe And Effective Sun Tanner

Submitted by: Garcia Patel

There is no doubt that products like Dark Sunsation have come a long way since self tanning products of not too distant past evoked memories of blotchy orange skin. Gone are those days. Today you have an awesome range of self tanners, bigger and more specialized than ever before. There are various combinations of moisturizers and sunscreens in an array of shades from light to dark. For those who abhor animal-based products, choices are aplenty. There are in the market botanical products with ingredients like lavender, chamomile and cornflower.

How Does Sunless Tanning Work?

Most manufacturers claim their products contain a unique formula that gives a bronzed look to the skin. The fact however is, that the base component of all self tanning products is dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This is a compound in the sugar family and works by reacting with the amino acids in the skin rendering it darker in a matter of hours. Even the newly introduced product Dark Sunsation contains DHA. Experts nevertheless believe this kind of tanning does not offer protection from sunburn the way conventional suntan does and recommend using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor greater than 8.


Are All Tanning Products Safe?

All are aware that excessive exposure to sun is bad for the skin. This has brought into the market a host of sunless tanning creams and sprays. The consumers are now wondering whether these products themselves are safe for use. In this connection, users must note that dihydroxyacetone or DHA is the only additive approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Regular sun tans breaks down the DNA in skin cells but tanning creams are safe, as they cause no such damage. The only irritants are allergic reactions and the annoyance if the product gets into your nose, eyes or mouth. In addition, of course you need to ensure the product contains SPF (sun protection factor). Care, however need to be taken with products that claim to be tanning enhancers, promoters, and accelerators. These products can heighten damage to the skin.

One more important pointer needs attention by consumers who frequent tanning booths. Commercial spray tanning booths often use all over spray or mist in a manner not approved by FDA. FDA cautions against exposure of the spray mist to eyes as also to lips and parts of the body covered by mucous membrane.

What About The Latest Product Dark Sunsation?

Dark Sunsation contains the ingredient DHA, which as explained earlier is safe for the skin. This product has been ranked high among the spray tan products line. This is a wear to bed product, which means you apply it on your body parts before going to bed and wake up in the morning with a lovely dark tan. Users claim it smooths on nicely and looks very natural. Certain consumers have listed some cons too. Prominent among them is that it tends to streak easily and one needs to use gloves to prevent the color from sticking on to the palms. The steep price is another negative factor. However, quite a few love this tanner and have given big thumbs up to this product.

Whichever way, most tanning stuff including Dark Sunsation is, largely safe if used wisely. Users must be prudent and look for products that are natural sugar based formula, provide a good deep dark tan while at the same time hydrate and protect the skin.

About the Author: Sun Laboratories, Inc is the first professional self-tanning product manufacturer and distributer with over a quarter of a century experience in the field of manufacturing sunless tanning products including Dark Sunsation. Visit us:





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