Be Available For Your Borrower

From the standpoint of a mortgage lender, the borrowers in your customer base are the market equivalent stocks in a portfolio. As such, they are your most important asset in terms of long-term success as a lender. Retaining borrowers can be difficult. However, for the majority of borrowers, shopping for the best offer is built into their business plan. Borrowers who are pleased with your services may request better terms without warning. To keep your borrower base, lenders must execute strategies and internal procedures aimed at establishing, sustaining, and retaining relationships with borrowers.

Consistent Contact Results in Consistent Business

Maintaining a connection with your borrower base is critical to maintaining their business. Going above and beyond to demonstrate your devotion to them, whether through in-person meetings, casual coffee meetups, requesting a tour of their office, or, in today’s day and age, booking a zoom meeting, will pay rewards for you in the future. Communication wins every time. Returning calls, emails, and texts as soon as possible, along with a quick response time to loan requests and fast processing/closing, improves the service experience and increases the likelihood that they will continue to pick you. Make sure you get honest feedback from all of your debtors and follow up with those individuals or key decision-makers at those entities. Keep a sharp eye on social media reviews and feedback to discover how you may tweak your approach to meet the demands of your clients in a much better way.

Enhance the Value of Your Client Base

Serving as a resource and actively referring clients for value-added services is one of the most efficient strategies for any professional services provider to develop customer loyalty. Make an effort to establish yourself as the go-to lender in your business community. Encourage borrowers to contact you for references to other services within your network, such as real estate brokers, legal, financial, or advertising referrals. Consider creating a community forum and distributing relevant trade journal articles or regular subscription emails to members, or creating a loyalty program that offers member-only advantages to long-term consumers.

In a similar manner, make it a point to attend significant lending industry events and conferences on a regular basis. Networking allows you to stay ahead of the curve with the latest business trends.

Please, contact us if you are a lender, investor, or developer with questions about establishing processes to grow your firm. We, a private lending law firm, are here to help you and give our expertise in steering your company to tremendous success.