Applications And Advantages Of Gas Compression Fittings


Fittings are devices in plumbing that often help connect tubing sections and straight pipe. They can also regulate the flow of liquids. Compression fittings (aka lock-bush fittings) serve the same purpose, except they do not require additional soldering or welding to produce a solid connection between the fitting and the pipes. They differ from standard fittings through the addition of a compression ring or ferrule and a compression nut. Gas compression fittings are responsible for the unification of pipes or tubes carrying gases.

Applications of Compression Fittings

Compression fittings are available for diverse electrical and plumbing systems. They provide the necessary linkage to join two pipes or tubes together. It is common for them to be associated with cold and hot water faucets. However, gas compression fittings join piping and tubing that distributes a variety of gases. These fittings are suitable to connect pipes and tubing carrying LPG, natural or propane gas.

Advantages of Compression fittings

Compression fittings are popular for a number of reasons. Industries employ them because they

• Do not involve soldering,• Are relatively fast and simple to assemble and install• Can be disassembled easily when required• Do not need special tools, skills or training to operate• Are able to perform at higher pressures• Are capable of working with toxic and harsh gases• Are easy to use where it is dangerous, impractical, counter-indicative or difficult to employ a heat source for welding or soldering

This makes such fittings ideal in certain situations and for use in industries where space is tight, e.g. plumbing and where soldering can be counterproductive if not hazardous.

Gas Compression Fittings

Gas compression fittings are mechanical devices. They “fit” or join high-pressure gas pipes and/or tubes. Many industries and individuals prefer to use them to soldered fittings. They not only find them easy to install but also capable of placing in tight and hard-to-reach spaces.