Consider The Color Intensity

Submitted by: Michael G. Goudelock

When you are looking at patterns and colors for your bedding as well as the wall decor, look for similar strengths. This means that you should look to pair the warm colors with like colors and those bright flashy colors together as well. Just remember, warm colored patterned fabric will normally clash with a pastel patterned fabric, so look to avoid this. By bringing color intensity together, the room will look more professional then just thrown together, plus nothing will stick out like a sore thumb. Also be wary of sticking that a bright duvet cover with a warm wall, the duvet cover will pop and that is not necessarily your goal.

Geometric shapes

We know you have not looked at geometry since high school and for good riddance, but geometric shapes can be the answer to your designing woes. Geometric shapes will bring together your wall decor, chair design and even your duvet cover. Look to utilize variety of geometric patterns in multiple sizes and you will see that room come together. Whether you want to do prisms and get that Pink Floyd feel or a simple circle, these geometric shapes will make your room feel like home.

Mixing two different patterns

Why not look for a variety of patterns that actually work well with each other, the goal is to have a personal touch on your room, while still trying to make the room look amazing. Try mixing a big and bold floral pattern with a geometric pattern such as hearts or triangles and you will find they blend like you would not have guessed they ever will. Another option is look at choosing a dominant pattern, and have another pattern giving them a smaller accent to bring the room together. Plus, if you are looking to create a classic black and white bedroom, try adding a couple patterns in the room to create substance and a flair that will be subtle but effective.


Rotate the patterns

When you are looking to mix patterns, make sure to rotate the pattern. This means that if you use a pattern on a duvet, change it up with the front pillows, and of course the back pillows will be yet another pattern. This allows the eyes to notice these differences and give the bedroom some depth on the bed. Nothing looks plain Jane then having one pattern for the entire bed. Even sets you buy at the store will have a minimum two patterns. Simple as that, look to add depth by rotating the patterns.

Mix in patterns

Look for patterns that are going to share either a color or that something will compliment the main color of the bedroom. If a pattern can share a color it will add continuity to a space, while if you choose a complimenting color you can accent the main color and add something that you were not expecting, substance. For instance if your main color is a nice blue, then look for accent colors in either white or black and you will notice the change.

Leave breathing room

If you are using two different bold patterns, try to separate the space with a solid fabric. This will allow each of the patterns to stand out by themselves, rather than finding them getting them lost in one another. For instance if you are trying to use bold colors and patterns try to use a separate plain color as a divider. A great example is if you are using those bold patterns in the pillows and duvets, utilize a great white sham pillow as the divider.

Try to use three different scaled fabrics

When you are looking to use multiple patterned fabrics try to use one large, one medium and one small patterned fabric. The issue with using the same sized patterns for your bedding is those patterns are going to blend and make the room way too busy. Always remember to consider the scale and size of the textile designs in your room, and make sure they are going to combine to create great visual interest in the room. For instance if you have a large zebra print on a sham, they con contrast with smaller circle patterns on the duvet cover.

We have reviewed the things to review when you are trying to match bedding with interior design. Make sure to take our tips and tricks especially when you are playing with patterns and bold colors in your bedroom. If you follow our tips and tricks you will be able to create the perfect combination of beauty and visual effects. Personally, I strongly suggest making sure that your colors are going to match, utilize geometric shapes, mix different patterns, rotate the patterns, mix the patterns, leaving breathing room and try using three different scaled fabrics. These great tips are going to make your bedroom perfect! You will not regret it.

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