Life Insurance No Exam How And Why To Get One

By David J. Livingston

Life insurance no exam option just makes getting a policy much easy and possible for many. Everyone desires to get a policy to provide for his family after his demise. Some are very successful in getting a policy at affordable rates and with good coverage amount after producing the required documents and undergoing medical examinations. There are others who due to their illness or because they do not have the time or the patience to go through the hassles of all the procedures do not have a policy. For such people the life insurance policy without an exam would be a great boon, as no matter the cost they will get a policy without hassle.

The most feasible way to look for such policies is through the online search. You can look for term life insurance rates, quotes and policies online. In most cases you can get term life insurance no exam policies online instantly after comparing quotes and selecting a provider. The process if you know what you want is quite simple. The procedure is explained in very simple terms and in detail below.

1. Start your search with your search engine. Type in the words life insurance no exam in the search bar and press search button.

2. Now the search engine will present to you all the companies that provide such a no exam policy and also those companies that have compiled a list of such providers in one place.

3. Browse through as many of the websites as possible. Pick those companies that have well set up website. Avoid those that are too flashy or have too many ads.


4. Since each provider has its own set of underwriting policy, it can become quite a time consuming task. So try to go through those websites that have already done some of the research for you. Such websites will have rating for each provider they list and will also have the listing of top insurance providers.

5. Now you need to fill in the questionnaire for each provider or may be one questionnaire for a set of providers in order to get the quotes. For you to get the quote which is the estimate of your life insurance cost, you need to furnish details such as your date of birth, weight, gender, professions, hobbies, tobacco usage which will be fed into the Mortality Table by the company. You will also have to answer few health related questions of yourself and your family. With this information the company will come with the right kind of policy for you and also the cost of the policy.

6. In order for them to determine the term life insurance rates the companies would also require the death benefits that you look to buy and for what term you need the policy.

7. After you get the quotes from different providers you need to compare the features, consider the reputation of the providers, and select a provider and a policy.

8. The next step would be to formally apply for the policy. Since the life insurance no exam policy doesnt require any examinations or proofs, you can apply for it instantly online.

9. The company will process the application and will determine whether to insure you or not and also what kind of policy and terms to extend to you.

10. If you are satisfied with the offering, you can accept the policy and make the first payment after which the policy comes into existence.

You finish the entire process online. If for some reason you are not comfortable pursuing that route, you can directly approach the agents or providers in person. For some reason you are rejected by a company, that shouldnt stop you from looking for the policy with another provider because the underwriting rules differ with the companies.

Remember that life insurance no exam comes with lower death benefits and high premiums compared to other polices. Since there are no exams and proof requirements, that doesnt mean you can lie on your application; if found, your loved ones will be denied their benefits.

About the Author: Article by David Livingston of, a website with the best

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