What Is A Complete Hysterectomy Really

By Chelsea Ciszewskic

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, a complete hysterectomy is a very different procedure then a total hysterectomy. During a complete hysterectomy the fallopian tubes, cervix, uterus and ovaries are detached. A total hysterectomy procedure only removes cervix and uterus. Ensure that when you speak with your physician that you understand this drastic difference.

Usually a complete hysterectomy is only needed in drastic situations like ovarian or cervical cancer. Other potential reason may be due to chronic endometriosis or ovarian fibroid tumors. It is important to understand that a complete hysterectomy has the side effect that menopause immediately sets in and the symptoms can be very hard to deal with.


It is important to discuss all options with your medical practitioner, since a women going through with a complete hysterectomy will be allowed to decide prior to her operation what therapy to follow after the operation.

Obviously a hysterectomy will completely end any woman s capacity to have children and will start to experience the symptoms connected with menopause such as night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decreased sexual response and night sweats. There is also the fact that you will experience a greater risk for developing osteoporosis and there is a chance that severe depression can kick in. These symptoms can happen very fast and women need to be knowledgeable and prepared to handle them.

As risky as this may sound however, it is still always best to listen to what your doctor recommends. Not all women experience the same side effects and there are numerous treatments out there that can drastically reduce the negative effects. Hormone replacement therapy is also a consideration that should be looked at however, as of late it has come under much scrutiny. There are also natural Alternative therapies that include such things as herbs, exercise, vitamins and diet.

A complete hysterectomy will certainly be life changing and if the conditions for the treatment are not life threatening then it is wise to seriously look at all options. That said, there are also many success stories of women who wished they would have had their hysterectomy years earlier because of all the pain and discomfort they had to deal with.

About the Author: Discover more Vaginal Hysterectomy Advice and Learn More about Hysterectomy procedures at




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