7 Unusual Business Ideas

7 Unusual Business Ideas


Kyle Taylor

Here are 7 unusual business ideas that have worked.

1. Pet rock. This tops the list of the unusual business ideas that have worked. Imagine someone is selling a rock as a substitute to a real pet. The potential customer is told that the rock is a perfect pet because it is low maintenance, not messy, not moody and etc. Well, that was already done on 1975. Every pet rock sold comes with a manual that teaches the owner how to raise the rock – that is a very unusual business idea. Although pet rock did not last for long, it has generated millions in revenue during its heyday.


2. Electronic cigarette. Every chain smoker faces the dilemma of being in a no smoking zone. An ordinary cigarette produces smoke and the smoker also exhales second hand smoke, its unpleasant smell and the health hazard that it brings is unacceptable for most people. Luckily some geniuses have stepped-up to address this problem and in the process have produced an unusual business idea. Nowadays, there are electronics cigarettes available in the market. These cigarettes deliver nicotine in the smoker, but it does not emit harmful chemicals. The only smoke that comes from an electronic cigarette is water vapour – perfectly safe for people in the vicinity of smoker.

3. Creating movie-poster-style invitations. Every person daydreams of taking a leading role in a movie and this unusual business idea deals with this need. All it takes are some nice pictures, movie poster theme, and knowledge in some photo editing software like photoshop.

4. Bungobox. Bungobox did not create an entirely new product. It has improved cardboard boxes and created a plastic crate, and it is better in moving items in terms of safety because they are durable. Bungobox marketing strategy is to make those boxes for rent but also offer the boxes for sale.

5. Shade for rent. This idea caters to the needs of the outdoors type. If a person wants to organize a party aside from the usual places like restaurants, the main problem would be hauling chairs and tables to the area and of course – shade. Luckily, shade wagon would do these things for a fee.

6. Post it. Post it notes is just pieces of paper with a weak adhesive. It is great as a tool for writing reminders and as a bookmark that stays put. Who could have thought that this simple thing would be the best seller? Therefore, it earns a spot in unusual business ideas list.

7. Self service. It is an entirely new business but just a method of cutting back costs. What if all the restaurants, canteens, and cafeterias all have waiters and waitresses? For sure the prices of would served in the establishments would be a higher. Why don’t let the customer do some work, and cut the cost of having more personnel.

Kyle Taylor is the author of The Penny Hoarder, a daily blog with weird and wacky

ways to make money quickly

. Some of his wacky tips include how to sell your trash on Ebay and how to get paid to buy beer. Here are seven more

unusual business ideas.

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7 Unusual Business Ideas