Positive Effects Of Weight Loss Surgery

Positive effects of Weight loss Surgery



In this today s world, obesity problem is an issue with many people all around the world. The obesity problem among people is increasing day by day. Obesity is a serious problem and people suffer from a lot of dangerous diseases when they struggle with diets and exercises as it is the only way for them to lose weight. After some time when people fail in many unsuccessful attempts to lose weight by diets and exercises they opt for Weight Loss Surgery such as Gastric Bypass.

Gastric Bypass surgery

is performed on people who are morbidly obese. This surgery divides the stomach rearranging the small intestine which decreases the size of stomach resulting in the intake of food which helps in a person s weight loss. After the full body check up of the person who is morbidly obese, surgeon choose which surgery to perform on him according to his body posture. And because of this new body after the surgery these patients hardly gain any weight.

Surgeons recommend the patients to take up liquid diets after 2-3 days of surgery and after a week or 2 he is asked to eat fresh fruits and green vegetables in his daily meals. Also patient is told to do regular exercises and morning walks which help his body to maintain a healthy shape. Stomach complications and side effects are easily reduced after some regular physical exercises.


There are a number of benefits which affect health after a weight loss surgery.

Type 2 diabetes: After any weight loss surgery many patients find many improvements in the control of their diabetes. More than 70% of the patients have stopped their diabetes medications after weight loss surgery.

Hypertension: Many patients suffering from high blood pressure stopped their medications and more than 75% patients recovered from high blood pressure.

65-95% of the patients had resolution from Sleep apnea symptoms after weight loss surgery.

Studies show that there is a tremendous decrease in the death rate of obese patients after weight loss surgery. The death rate of diabetic patients has also decreased due to this.

And lastly most of the patients have reported in an improved quality of life and increase in activities after weight loss surgery.

Dr. Muffazal Lakdawal

is a expert weight loss surgeon who have helped many by saving them from obesity,

muffazal lakdawala

has also created a Mumbai based Centre for Obesity and Diabetes support.

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