Every Driver Should Have A Dash Cam System In San Francisco

byAlma Abell

Everyone has seen dash cam footage online or on the TV. These simple cameras have made it possible for innocent people to be cleared of crimes, guilty people to be discovered for their bad deeds and traffic accidents to be recorded clearly for insurance claims.

Until recently only emergency vehicles commonly had these types of camera. But today more personal vehicles than ever are equipped with a Best Dash Cam System in San Francisco. Everyone has their own specific reason for installing dash cams, but they are typically done for one of two purposes. This is to either provide security or for entertainment.

Dash Cams as Security

A dash cam can help to prove the driver of another car was to blame for an accident. It can record traffic stops or interactions from other commuters on the road. If an incident occurs, the car with the camera will have absolute proof of what really happened. It can reduce the risk of theft and vandalism as criminals may be deterred for fear that the footage on the camera is being uploaded elsewhere.

Dash Cams as Entertainment

Dashboard cameras around the world have been able to capture wild animals in the roadway, meteorites streaking across the sky and even plane crashes. Videos have gone viral online because of the humorous antics people have recorded of others out on the road. Another popular use is recording road trips and vacations, creating a permanent family memento of the scenic sites people have been able to visit.

Dash Cams for Road Safety

Another use of dash cams is something than many people never think of. It is using the camera to record unsafe behavior on the road. This could be a school bus driver not changing lanes correctly, a car driving recklessly or unsafe behavior of a pedestrian. The video recorded on a dash cam could be enough proof to get these unsafe drivers off the road.

You can get your own dash camera through a company like Blackbox Guard Inc San Francisco. They offer single and dual camera systems with a variety of features. Check them out to learn more about the possibilities these types of technology offer. Visit for more information.