4 Things To Avoid When You Are Trying To Lose Weight

By Greg Garner

Starting on a new plan that promises to help you with losing your excess weight can be such an exciting thing. You should be aware of the following 5 things that should be avoided, though, whenever you are trying to lose weight. Avoid the following things to avoid failure.

Do not jump on the scales right after the first 24 hours of being on a new weight loss plan! This won’t work. First of all, you should start to understand that you are doing this for the long haul, so jumping on the scales so frequently is not a good idea at all. You shouldn’t be doing this as a quick fix because we know that most quick fixes don’t work in the long run. Start a new weight loss plan with a positive state of mind by telling yourself that you are doing this to change for good and not for just a couple of weeks. When you understand this, you will also understand that weighing in once a week is more than enough.


Do not base weight loss success or failure on just the scales. This is because, particularly with women, hormones have a great impact on our weight, especially when nearing a menstrual cycle and dealing with PMS. If you happen to have a week with weight gain or the same number on the scales, do not worry. If you take measurements, you might be able to notice inch losses instead. You might also start noticing that particular clothes fit more comfortably.

You should avoid weighing after having just eaten a meal. Our body takes around two hours to digest the food. This means that if you weigh right after you have just finished a meal, that number on the scales will show the mass of the food you have just eaten. Always weigh first thing in the morning, preferably after going to the bathroom and making sure you have had no breakfast yet. You should remove whatever clothes you have on to weigh yourself and get an accurate number as much as possible. Try to keep the same spot to weigh because gravitational pull can make a difference to the scale you are using, especially if it is a digital one.

You should avoid using a traditional scale. This is not because traditional scales aren’t accurate, but because when you are trying to lose weight, even losing 100 grams can lift your mood. You won’t be able to see such accurate readings on a traditional scale and that is why many experts and nutritionists suggest to their clients to invest in a digital scale. Most companies selling such scales offer a warranty too. Remember to remove the batteries when done to avoid any damage done by the acid in the batteries to the scales.

Review the list above and print it out to avoid failure. And if you do have a failure, remember that every time you fall, it is another opportunity for you to stand tall and get back on the wagon and keep going.

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